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14th December 2021

Congratulations go to Emily Grist, Clinical Research Fellow, who was awarded a prestigious joint John Black Charitable Foundation/Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award to pursue her Clinician-Scientist career. Read all about Emily's proposed research here

2nd December 2021

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We gathered at Gert's house for our Away Day/Christmas Social to see out 2021.

Everyone brought a dish from their home country to share. We discussed how to improve our project management and went for a lovely walk round Sutton.

20th December 2021

Gert was quoted in the Times newspaper, which ran an article reporting the most recent findings from STAMPEDE, which Gert presented at the ESMO Annual Congress in Paris.

You can find the links to the abstract and paper in our publications section.

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21st September 2021

We went for a team social to Greenwich Planetarium, by way of boat from Westminster, followed by a quick drink in the pub.


28th May 2021

To make the most of the nice weather, we had a picnic in Regent's Park, where everyone brought food to share.

22nd March 2021

Huge congratulations to Anu, who passed her viva today! She was examined by Simon Crabb, University of Southampton, and Andy Feber, UCL on her thesis entitled "Leveraging circulating tumour DNA to dissect the evolutionary genomic dynamics of drug resistance in prostate cancer".

5th February 2021

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Due to pandemic restrictions, many of us are working from home. Mazlina, computational biologist, introduced us to weekly virtual coffee mornings where a random name generator produced groups who could get together on Teams for a virtual catch-up.

Treatment Resistance Group, UCL Cancer Institute, Paul O'Gorman Building, 72 Huntley Street, London, WC1E 6DD, UK

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